Peanut Butter Banana Pupcakes

My Labrador Retriever Tiara is the reason I'm such a crazy dog person. Before her, I was terrified of dogs and never dared to go near one. I am so glad she came into our lives and changed it for the better.

She turned 10 a couple weeks ago, So I decided to have a mini party for her to celebrate her awesomeness. I would have invited other dogs, but she would have hated that. She's a huge attention seeker and loves being pampered by the family and other hoomans.

Labradors in general are prone to Obesity and Heart Diseases being the garbage eaters they are. So we're much more careful with what we feed her than we used to be, sine she's a senior now (Although we do give in to her begging stares sometimes, I mean, those eyes!). Which brings me to today's pupcakes. These are the most perfect healthy treats(no added sugar!) for your doggies. Make them for their birthdays or in general, if they're being good boys or girls :) So let's get to it!

Makes around 8 pupcakes

You will need:

For the pupcakes:

Wheat flour- 1 cup

Egg- 1 large

Peanut butter- 1/4 cup

Banana- 1 large, mashed

Honey- 1/3 cup

Cinnamon- 1/2 tsp

Vegetable oil- 1/4 cup

Water- As needed

Baking powder- 1 tbsp (Baking powder by itself is not good for your dogs, but this is a safe amount. 
However, you may consult your vet regarding this and any other ingredients)

For the frosting:

Peanut butter- 1/2 cup

Milk- 2 tbsp

Yogurt- 2tbsp

Honey- 1 tbsp

Dog treat biscuits- 8 (optional)


Start by combining all the dry ingredients together- wheat flour, cinnamon and baking powder in a medium sized bowl. 

Then, into a larger bowl, break an egg and add the peanut butter, mashed banana, honey, vanilla extract, vegetable oil and whisk all of this together. Add in the dry ingredients little by little and keep whisking till combined. At this point, your dough may look very tough, so adjust by adding more water/milk(I used milk). Your dough should be just a little more fluid consistency than that of cookie dough.

Preheat your oven to 180°C. Lightly grease silicon muffin moulds with vegetable oil and scoop out the mixture into the moulds, till it is around 3/4th full. Pop this in the oven for 10-15 mins, checking every 2 mins after 10 mins. You should be able to pass a toothpick in and it should come out clean without any mixture sticking to it.

While your pupcakes are in the oven, you can make the frosting by combining the peanut butter, honey, milk and yogurt and mixing it thoroughly with a spoon (you can whisk​ this too, but not too much)

Once the cupcakes are done, take them out and let them cool. I didn't really use a piping bag, just spooned the frosting over the cupcakes and did some semi fancy fork tricks on it. Stick the dog treat on the frosting and you're good to go! You can feed them a couple one day and refrigerate the rest.
Do not overfeed your dogs with this or anything for that matter, I stuck to 2 on her birthday, followed by one everyday after that.

As you can see, she absolutely loved them. I hope your doggos and puppers like them too, give them a kiss from my side when you make these for them. Don't forget to share your creations with the #thatgoodlifethough on Instagram. You can follow me here and on Instagram @varshabhashyakarla for more such content.

Until next time XO.


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